Mitsubishi PLC Repair - MELSEC-A PLC

Mitsubishi PLC Repair

Mitsubishi PLCs Repaired Efficiently

Mitsubishi MELSEC PLCs provide users with both high-speed, accuracy and data processing for a well-rounded control system. ICR’s PLC repair technicians boast decades of experiences restoring these crucial units. Learn how ICR can support your Mitsubishi PLC systems and contact us today!

Mitsubishi PLC Repair - MELSEC-A PLC Unit

Mitsubishi Series PLCs



Mitsubishi PLC Repair and Testing

Determining Failure
Prior to repair, we use Mitusbishi PLC software when testing each unit to ensure accuracy and pinpoint failure.
Family Rack System Testing
ICR technicians connect repaired Mitsubishi PLCs to the family rack system to ensure compatibility and proper communications throughout our testing procedure.
Trap Style Testing Software
We run each Mitusbishi PLC with our trap style testing. We use this test to mimic a transmission and distribution system.
Custom built with OEM equipment
Each repaired Mitusbishi PLC unit is tested with OEM equipment.
Mitsubishi PLC Repair - MELSEC-A PLC