ICR Services Repairs Viper s650 Series Robots
A precise and fast moving robot by Adept Technologies known as the Adept Viper s650 boasts six-axis in a tightly built and compact system. Adept built this high-performance robot to handle assembly applications, but can also be an ideal fixture within facilities to be used for material handling or packaging or even machine tending. ICR Services rebuilds and repairs these highly efficient SCARA-based robots. We even offer an in-service warranty to guarantee our repairs.

Viper s650 Robot and MB-60R Controller by Adept Technologies
Supported Parts
- Viper/MB-60R 05005-000 J Amplifier Power Dual Servo Amplifier
- Viper/MB-60R 05015-000 DAI System Module Rack Module
- Viper/MB-60R 01044-000 Chassis,Amplifier PA-4 Control Rack