ARC Mate 100iB Robot
The Fanuc ARC Mate 100iB robot is a favorite among welders for it’s six-axis modular build that allows cutting at high-speeds. There’s no drop-off in performance with this powerful robot that provides users with top-notch productivity and higher motion speeds than other robots in the same class. ICR’s support includes repair of equipment, refurbishment of the manipulator and selling, or buying of these versatile units.

Fanuc R-J3iB Controller
ICR Services offers users of the Fanuc R-J3iB controller with quality repair service, refurbishment and purchasing or selling these impressive units. Paired with the ARC Mate 100iB manipulator, the R-J3iB controller is an efficient unit with impressive technology. The controller features an intelligent platform with open architecture that both improves motion handling while adding conveinence for users.

Supported Fanuc ARC Mate 100iB and R-J3iB Equipment
- Fanuc A05B-2490-C176 Teach Pendant
- Fanuc A05B-2400-C061 Robot 4 Slot Rack
- Fanuc A20B-1007-0800 E-Stop Unit PCB
- Fanuc A20B-3900-0161 SCRAM Module
- Fanuc A20B-1007-0850 Operator Panel I/O PCB
- Fanuc A16B-2203-0370 Power Supply Unit
- Fanuc A06B-6114-H105 Alpha I Servo Module
- Fanuc A20B-2100-0770 Operator Panel PCB
- Fanuc A16B-3200-0412 Main CPU PCB
- Fanuc A06B-6105-H003 6 Axis Servo Drive
- Fanuc A05B-2452-C151 English Operator Panel
- Fanuc A05B-2452-C474 E-Stop Unit
- Fanuc A20B-3300-0254 32 MEG DRAM CPU Module