The Field Service Department
Providing Comprehensive Maintenance Services & Production Support
Here to Help You Keep Industry Moving
Rest assured the job will be done properly as each field service engineer follows industry best practices along with additional checks unique to ICR. No more having to search through maintenance or troubleshooting manuals hoping the proper procedures were followed in accordance with OEM specifications. Let us take care of this for you so you can get back to what you do best.
Top Manufacturers Supported
Technical Support Services
From troubleshooting PLCs to programming robotics and performing program backups to laying the ground work for future process improvements – the production support team is available for your most critical issues. Installation and start-up assistance is available to those who want to hit the ground running.
Technical Support
Preventative Maintenance
Helping our clients spot failures before they result in unexpected downtime is what it’s all about. Take preventive measures to maximize efficiencies and prolong the life-cycle of your equipment with a robot preventive maintenance program.
Preventive MaintenanceMeet the Field Service Leadership Team
Trust the team with over 100+ years of combined experience to service your automated systems. Whether your process involves hard automation, programmable automation, or soft automation – we have a team of field service technicians ready to assist on-site at your facility.
Breakdown Maintenance
Let’s get that line back up and running! Service is available regionally in the United States and Canada with select service options in Mexico and South Africa. Check to see if your location is part of the ER Support Zone.
Emergency Breakdown
Customized On-Site Training
Sending your entire team or even an individual for week-long training is not always the most practical or affordable – especially when it’s many miles away. On-site training is an alternative which allows maintenance personal a chance to receive the necessary education and experience without having to leave their place of employment. Classes are taught by the same instructors who teach at our training facility in Warren, MI.
On-Site Training